Wearing climbing shoes while hanging out at home is one of the best ways to stretch your climbing shoe
As some of you already know, I've been publishing in-depth information around climbing shoes for months now.
Breaking into a new pair of shoes is one of the worst parts of climbing. As all climbers -beginner to advanced- agreed with that climbing shoes are painful to wear at the beginning
When I was looking at how can I break in synthetic climbing shoes, I always found about breaking in climbing shoes. It's usually about climbing shoes which have a leather upper. So, I've decided to write about breaking in synthetic climbing shoes.
Every climbing shoes require break-in time. It's better to know how fast we can break in synthetic climbing shoes. Before I begin to explain how to break in synthetic climbing shoes, I'd summarize that;
- The synthetic climbing shoes don't stretch like leather climbing shoes. BUT, we still can stretch the synthetic climbing shoes even it's a little bit (it worths it!)
- They more or less mold to your foot shape.
- The following methods I'm going to tell you that will not stretch any of the rubber parts of the shoe.
- Also, it isn't going to break like 3-5 days, it might take time, maybe 1-2 weeks or a month. It is depend on the materials that the shoes are made.
The methods that I've been using for a while;
- Wear them in a hot shower
- Heat them up with a hairdryer
- Wear them around the house
- Put a plastic bag around your foot then put your foot in the shoe
- Climb
Before getting into detail, choosing an ideal fitting according to your foot volume is really important, so I'd recommend that always check the brand's fit comparison charts as La Sportiva has.
Yes, I know it sounds really weird. You might say "What? Are you sure about this?". Yes, been there, done that.
First, after getting your new climbing shoes, take a look a while. How beautiful is that, right? Okay, I'll not digress.
So, take your new rock climbing shoes out of the box. Put your foot into and lace it and be sure about it fits snug, but not too tight. Don't forget to remove all stickers and packaging in the shoe if it has.
After that, ready for a hot shower. With your new beautiful rock climbing shoes on, get into a hot shower. When you become sure about all the parts of the shoe get soaked through with hot water while they are on your foot until you can't resist the hot water.
Try this 3-5 times and don't forget to wiggle your toes while your shoe gets soaked.
Thereafter, start to walk around with the shoes on your feet. I know the shoe is still wet. Doesn't matter, keep them in your foot until you feel like shoes are drying.
And, stuff your shoes with a newspaper to continue the drying process. Check the shoe and go to climbing before it's totally dry. Climbing is a necessary part of all this process. Because it will help to mold them to your foot.
It's one of the other odd-looking methods. Yes, is a hairdryer for after shower? Literally, not just for that. It looks like that we can use it for breaking in synthetic climbing shoes. But, HOW?
To stretch your synthetic climbing shoes you can stuff them with fabric like old T-shirts, socks, or any fabric. Then, make sure about your shoe are filled and bulging.
After that, turn your blow dryer and start to heat your shoe up with a hairdryer. Please, focus on the upper and the part of where your toes are positioned in the shoe while you're wearing them. You can hold the hairdryer 6-12 in away from your shoe.
Don't forget to flex and bend the shoe several times when you're warming up the shoe. Also, remember to move the dryer around your shoe and you can warm the shoe until the whole shoes feel warm.
After doing this method several times, quickly take the fabric (socks, t-shirt, etc.), put them on, and let the shoes cooldown on your feet. It will help the shoe stretch and mold to your foot shape.

Just sitting while I'm wearing my new climbing shoe
I like this method because it doesn't cause a lot of work like the other two.
I usually wear mine around the house. Just keep them on all day, while I'm watching tv, movie, reading books, walking around whatever to help with the process.
You might wonder that am I wearing every day? No, because I work weekdays, and after 8 hours working I just want to relax my feet as I've been already wearing a shoe all day. So, generally, I do this method on weekends.
It may take a week or more, but eventually, you'll break them in.
This is my favorite method by far. But why? Because I saw that while one of my favorite climbers is doing this. Who is my favorite climber? Adam Ondra. Check this video while he's wearing his climbing shoes and I'll explain how it helps to stretch the climbing shoe.
Because the friction between your foot and the climbing shoe causes pain when you're trying on a new climbing shoe.
With a plastic bag (or saran wrap) there is no friction. So, wrap your foot with a plastic bag then slide it into the climbing shoe as Adam Ondra did. You can notice that the foot slides in a bit easier. You may even feel more comfortable.
Wearing shoes like this for a while when you're climbing or relaxing will help stretch the upper a small amount. I think one of the most effective methods when you need to stretch your synthetic climbing shoes a small amount. Also, If Adam Ondra does this method, I'm sure he knows something.
Repeat as much as you can.
It wouldn't be right If I don't mention this. I know that it's not fun at all that climbing a new pair of shoes. BUT it is a must.
Climb as much as you can, it'll be painful sometimes. Maybe, you don't want to climb but it's an essential thing.
Just climb, even if it's painful, bad. Then your shoe starts to stretch and mold your foot. No pain no gain.
These are all the methods which I've been using for a while and it works for me and my friends who are climber.
Choose the methods that are advisable for you, and try it. Then you'll be welcomed.
Of course, don't forget to climb as many as you can.